Committee of Management
Member associations, associate members and corporate members are entitled to appoint at least one delegate/representative and one substitute delegate/representative to the Committee of Management. Only delegates from member associations have the right to vote. In addition, the Chief Officials of member associations (i.e. Executive Vice-President, Director, Secretary General, etc.) are entitled to take an active part in the meetings of the Committee of Management, without, however, the right to vote.
The Committee of Management is the supreme authority of the Federation, with the fullest possible powers, including powers to amend the statutes. No action may be taken in the name of the Federation, either by individuals or by the Federation’s sub-committees, without the formal approval of the Committee of Management. Thus, the Committee of Management exercises full control over all the Federation’s activities.
The Committee of Management reaches its decision by a qualified majority vote, as it has been in the past an unwritten law that the Federation should not, if possible, take any action or adopt any resolution unless there was unanimity among its members. It is the desire of ITMF members to continue with this practice, which has been largely responsible for the strength and cohesion of the organization.
The Committee of Management of ITMF is sometimes referred to as the world parliament of the textile industries. It normally meets once a year during the Federation’s annual conference. These conferences form the highlights of the Federation’s activities. They provide a unique neutral, international forum, at which the leaders of the world’s textile industries can meet and exchange views on matters of common interest. This function of ITMF as a clearing house of ideas and experiences is perhaps the most valuable service which the Federation can render to its members.