Shanghai, P.R. China / October 23 - 25, 2009
“Structural Adjustments in the World Textile Industry”

Conference Programme (as of October 6, 2009)
9.00 – 16.00 | Visit of Intertextile Shanghai 2009 (Apparel Fabrics Fair) |
13.00 – 18.30 | Registration International Delegates (Drawing Room II, PL2) |
13.30 – 16.00 | Meeting of ITMF Honorary Officers, Past Presidents and Advisory Board (Polaris, 53rd Floor) |
16.45 – 18.15 | Directors’ Meeting (Crystal Ballroom III, PL2) ITMF member associations, associate and corporate members |
19.00 – 19.30 | Joint Reception (Piano Bar, 53rd Floor) for ITMF and Host Association Office Bearers and Directors of member associations, associate and corporate members - with spouses - |
19.30 – 22.00 | Dinner (Piano Bar, 53rd Floor) for ITMF and Host Association Office Bearers - with spouses - |
19.30 – 22.00 | Dinner (Crystal Ballroom I, PL2) for Directors of member associations, associate and corporate members - with spouses - |
9.00 – 10.30 | Meeting of the ITMF Spinners Committee (Boardroom, PL2) |
10.30 – 12.00 | Meeting of the ITMF Joint Cotton Committee (Crystal Ballroom I, PL2) |
13.30 – 19.30 | Registration International Delegates (Drawing Room II, PL2) |
14.00 – 15.00 |
Fibre Session - Cotton (Crystal Ballroom I, PL2) Chair: Andrew G. Macdonald, ITMF Advisory Board and Consultant, ABRAPA - Brazilian Cotton Growers Association Positioning Cotton for Success in the 21st Century Terry Townsend, Executive Director, ICAC Washington, DC, USA China’s Cotton Market during the World Economic Crisis Fang Gao, Secretary General, China Cotton Association (CCA) Beijing, China |
15.00 – 15.30 | Coffee Break |
15.30 – 16.30 |
Man-made Fibres
Marketing, Innovation and Sustainability in Accordance Friedrich Weninger, Member of the Management Board, Lenzing Group Lenzing, Austria Outlook for the Global Synthetic Fibers Market Karen Jones, Director, Fibers Service Leader, CMAI Houston, USA |
19.00 – 22.00 | Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner (Grand Ballroom, PL2) |
9.00 – 9.40 |
Formal Opening Session (Grand Ballroom, PL2)
Chair: Tiankai Wang, Vice President, CNTAC Addresses Kuangdi Xu, President, Chinese Academy of Engineering Han Zheng, Mayor, Shanghai Halit Narin, President, ITMF Yu Zhou Du, President, CNTAC |
9.45 – 11.15 |
Keynote Address
Chair: Halit Narin, ITMF President Gerhard Schröder, Former Chancellor of Germany (1998 - 2005) by special invitation of the Turkish Textile Employers’ Association |
11.15 – 11.45 | Coffee Break |
11.45 – 13.00 |
1st General Session: The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Global Economy in General and on the Global Textile Industry in Particular (Grand Ballroom, PL2) Chair: Bashir Ali Mohammad, ITMF Vice President The World Economic Crisis and China Stephen Green, Standard Chartered Bank Shanghai, China Implications of the World Economic Crisis for the Global Textile Industry David Yuen Hoi Lee, Industrial Development Officer, Textiles and Leather Unit Agri-Business Development Branch, UNIDO Vienna, Austria |
13.00 – 14.30 | Lunch (Restaurants, 56th Floor) |
14.30 – 16.00 |
2nd General Session: Interdependence of the Textile and Retail Industry (Grand Ballroom, PL2) Chair: Douglas T. Hsu, ITMF Honorary Life Member Customer Centricity and the Need of Developing Integrated Relationships with the End-market Giuliano Noci, Professor of Marketing, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy Responsible Sourcing Chieh Chen, Fabric Director, Wal-Mart Global Procurement, Softline Team Shenzhen, China Brand Market Adaption with Regard to Quality and Marketing Badis Kouidrat, CEO, Devanlay Lacoste Asia Supply Shanghai, China The Growth of Value Retailing - Implications for Textile & Clothing Producers Arvind Singhal, Chairman, Technopak Gurgaon, India |
16.30 – 13.00 |
Workshop 1 (Grand Ballroom I, PL2) Ways to Innovation Peter Kreitals, Managing Director, Kreitals Consulting Group Balwyn VIC, Australia Workshop 2 (Grand Ballroom II, PL2) Innovative Textiles - A Challenge for Knowledge Oriented Management Thomas Fischer, Professor and Director, Center for Management Research German Institutes for Textile and Fibre Research (DITF) Denkendorf, Germany Workshop 3 (Grand Ballroom III, PL2) Better Cotton Initiative - A Mainstream Approach to Improve Cotton Production Allan Williams, Technical-Environmental Coordinator Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) Narrabri NSW, Australia |
Evening | Harbour Cruise and Buffet Dinner |
8.00 – 8.45 |
Early Morning Session (Grand Ballroom, PL2)
Portable Instrument Measuring Toxicity Levels in Cotton Jiri Militky, Professor, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic |
9.00 – 10.10 |
3rd General Session: Adjustment and Revitalization of the Chinese Textile Industry (Grand Ballroom, PL2) Chair: Tiankai Wang, Vice President, CNTAC The Status Quo and Outlook of the Textile Industry Kunyuan Xu, Vice President, CNTAC Beijing, China Scientific Development and Brand Strategy to Revitalize China’s Textile Industry Dekang Gao, Chairman, Bosiden International Holdings Ltd. Jiangsu, China Shanghai Textile Industry in Adjustment and Development Shiping Xi, President, Shangtex Holding (Group) Corporation Shanghai, China |
10.15 – 11.15 |
Keynote Address
Chair: Tiankai Wang, Vice President, CNTAC Edmund Phelps,Professor, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA Nobel Prize in Economics (2006) |
11.15 – 11.45 | Coffee Break |
11.45 – 13.15 |
4th General Session: Technical Textiles: Growth Segment of the Future? (Grand Ballroom, PL2) Chair: Jürg Rupp, Executive Editor, Textile World Technical Textiles - Areas and Examples of Above Average Growth Hendrik H. van Delden, Managing Director, Gherzi van Delden Krefeld, Germany Promotion of High-Quality Service and Upgrading of Technical Textiles Shunnian Shen, Director of Administrative Committee, Haining China Warp Knitting Zhejiang, China Globalization of the Technical Textile Industry Loek de Vries, President & CEO, Royal Ten Cate Almelo, Netherlands The New Development Trend of Man-made Fiber Industry and Outlook of New Technical Fiber Materials Fengjian Pang, Chairman of the Board, Shangdong Helon Co., Ltd. Shandong, China |
13.15 – 13.30 |
The Global Textile Machinery Market Situation: Investment Trends Christian P. Schindler, Director General, ITMF |
13.30 – 13.45 | Invitation to the 2010 ITMF Annual Conference in Brazil |
14.00 – 15.30 | Meeting of the Committee of Management (Grand Ballroom III, PL2) - working lunch incl. - |
14.00 – 15.30 | Lunch (Restaurants, 56th Floor) |
15.30 – 19.30 | Sightseeing Lupu Bridge with a bird’s eye view of the Expo 2010 Area and a visit to the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall |
Whole Day |
Mill Visits in Shaoxing County, Zhejiang
China Textile City is located at Keqiao, Shaoxing County. Markets here amass all kinds of fabrics including those for garments, home textiles and industrial textiles. It is a textile distributing center of the largest scale which operates the most various kinds of textile products in China. In addition, it is the largest textile professional market in Asia, and the biggest trade center around the world.