Members are associations and other constituted organizations of manufacturers of textiles. There can be only one Member Association from each country.
For more detailed info log in via members area.
African Cotton & Textile Industries Federation (ACTIF)
Trv Plaza, Suite 3A
Muthithi Road
P.O. Box 1249-00606, Sarit Centre
Nairobi, Kenya
Contact: Mr. Emmanuel Mukua, Chief Executive Officer
Tel +254-733 247 052
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Federación Argentina de Industrias Textiles Fadit (FITA)
Avenida de Mayo 1147/57, 4th. Floor
Buenos Aires - C1003ABJ
Contact: Ms. Celina Pena, General Manager
Tel +54-11 70901020
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Vereinigung Textilindustrie (VTI)
Rudolfsplatz 12
AT - 1010 Wien
Contact: Ms. Mag. Ursula Feyerer, Director
Tel +43-5 90 900 5410
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Hof-Ter-Vleestdreef 5
BE - 1070 Brussels
Contact: Ms. Karla Basselier, General Manager
Tel +32-2 528 58 35
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Instituto Brazilian Textile and Apparel Industry Association (ABIT)
Rua Marquês de Itú, 968
São Paulo - 01223-000, SP
Contact: Mr. Fernando Pimentel, President
Tel +55-11 3823 6115
E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
China National Textile & Apparel Council (CNTAC)
18 North Street
Chaoyangmen, Chaoyang District
Beijing - 100020
Contact: Mr. Ruizhe Sun, President
Tel +86-10 8522 9001/9205
E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
Egyptian Chamber of Apparel & Home Textile Industries (ECAHT)
El Jazeera Towers 53 Cornish El Nile
Maadi, Cairo
Contact: Mr. Mohammed Kassem, Board Member
Tel +20-01 2221 07158
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Industrieverband Veredlung-Garne-Gewebe-Technische Textilien e.V. (IVGT)
Mainzer Landstrasse 55
DE - 60329 Frankfurt
Contact: Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Kraatz, Managing Director
Tel +49-69 2556 1700 + 1730
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Fondazione del Tessile Italiano
Via Alberto Riva Villasanta, 3
IT - 20145 Milan
Contact: Mr. Massimo Mosiello, Secretary General
Tel +39-02 6610 3838
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Japan Spinners' Association (JSA)
Mengyo Kaikan Building
2-5-8, Bingo-machi
Osaka - 541-0051
Contact: Mr. Chiaki Uehara, Executive Director
Tel +81-6 6231 8431
E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -
Korea Rep.
Korea Federation of Textile Industries (KOFOTI)
16th Floor, Textile Center
Teheranro 518, Gangnam-Gu Seoul - 06180
Contact: Mr. Sang Woon Lee, Chairman
Tel +82-2 528 4060
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Moroccan Association of Textile and Apparel Industries (AMITH)
92, Boulevard Moulay Rachid
Contact: Mr. Mohamed Belghali, General Manager
Tel +212-522 94 20 84
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Associação Têxtil e Vestuário de Portugal (ATP)
R. Fernando Mesquita, 2785
Edifício do Citeve
PT - 4760-034 V.N. Famalicão
Contact: Mrs. Ana Paula Dinis, Executive Director
Tel +351-252 30 30 30
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Fundacion Textil Algodonera
Gran Via, 637 2o2a
SP - 08010 Barcelona
Contact: Mr. Manuel Diaz de Marcos, President
Tel +34-93 318 9200
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Swiss Textiles - Textilverband Schweiz
Beethovenstrasse 20, Postfach 2900
CH - 8022 Zürich
Contact: Mr. Peter Flückiger, Director
Tel +41-44 289 7979
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Cotton & Textile Association of Tajikistan (Tajcottex)
19/11 Valamatzoda Street
Contact: Mr. Umed Shomurodov, Chairman
Tel +992 90 750 1010
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Turkish Textile Employers' Association (TTEA)
Metrocity A Ofis Blok
Büyükdere Cad. No: 171, Kat: 19
Levent-Istanbul - 4330 1
Contact: Mr. Basar Ay, Secretary General
Tel +90-212 344 0777
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Uzbekistan Textile & Garment Industry Association Uztextileprom
20A, A. Avloniy Str.
Tashkent - 100100
Contact: Mr. Mirmukhsin Sultanov
Tel +998-71 202 2244 (int.137)
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